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BLIRT S.A. (DNA Gdańsk)

Trzy Lipy 3/1.38

80-172 Gdańsk

Główny telefon: +48 58 739 61 50

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BLIRT S.A. (DNA Gdańsk)

BLIRT (Biolab Innovative Research Technologies) is a modern European biotech manufacturer of high quality specialty enzymes and reagents dedicated for application in Life Science.


For over 25 years, we have been specializing in providing the highest quality products for researchers and scientists. First, we began operating in the Polish market as DNA-Gdańsk. From 2017, we developed and further expanded our brand as BLIRT starting from 2007.

In 2017 our new bulk production facility was established in Gdynia allowing us to swiftly process and complete orders from our industrial partners. We are fully prepared for growing demand for our top products – high quality recombinant proteins.

Our experience in development of protein production methods (upstream and downstream), combined with production on an industrial scale, makes us a first-choice supplier for B2B customers. Especially, since in a development process, we verify that product is free of any third-party IP rights.

Our other product groups, including kits for nucleic acid isolation, reverse transcription tools and Real-Time PCR reagents are already recognized internationally and distributed via global network of distributors. Our products meet requirements and high expectations of our laboratory research customers, and their quality has already been reflected in numerous scientific publications

BLIRT’s kits are characterized by an excellent yield and user-friendly protocols. All key enzymes for the kits are manufactured internally by us to ensure reliable tests’ results.

We offer a comprehensive technical support and consultancy, based on the know-how of our R&D and long-time experience of scientists working and cooperating with us. Our expertise is valued by our customers and proves to be particularly important for our partners in the early stage R&D of various Health and Life Science sectors.

In 25 years we have developed excellent long-term relations with diverse groups of scientists and industry customers. BLIRT’s high quality products have been appreciated by clients for being easy to use, highly efficient and safe in laboratory scale, therefore in 2016 we have decided to extend production size. As a consequence, today our products are available, under our brand or as OEM, to all major universities, institutes and biotech companies.

We trust that our long journey, starting from small company providing training and a few PCR reagents for local scientists, later reorganized to research organization focused on development of new pharmaceuticals and finally to a modern firm manufacturing on an industrial scale, will be continued with the cooperation of our customers and partners, and for the benefit of shareholders, science and society.




Our quality system, necessary to ensure repeatable and reliable work results of our customers, is composed of three elements – strict separation of different production facilities, carefully designed and monitored processes and know-how of a very experienced team.

Quality management systems for RUO products complies with company certification ISO 9001:2015 and with GMP and GLP requirements for offered services.

The quality of each product manufactured by us is in accordance with European quality assurance and control standards and is verified by Certificate of Analysis (CoA) confirming batch to batch reproducibility.


AMPLIFYME - Master Mixy do Real-Time PCR


AMPLIFYME to Master Mixy do Real-Time PCR, dostępne z barwnikiem SYBR oraz do sond molekularnych, kompatybilne z większością dostęnych na rynku termocyklerów.


Co wyróżnia AMPLIFYME:


  1. SZYBKOŚĆ - umożliwia uzyskanie wyników w ciągu 30 minut przy użyciu szybkich protokołów, co zapewnia wysoką wydajność
  2. CZUŁOŚĆ - amplifikacja nawet przy małej ilości matrycy
  3. SPECYFICZNOŚĆ - dzięki zastosowaniu polimerazy TaqNova HS z wysoce specyficznym przeciwciałem ograniczono powstawanie struktur primer-dimer
  4. POWTARZALNOŚĆ - pewność spójnych wyników
  5. STABILNOŚĆ - testowany w różnych warunkach

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