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Drug advertising in Poland - legal aspects
Most common mistakes and how to avoid them? Medical advertising in Poland intensifies yearly. In 2004 alone, a total of PLN 914m (€225m) was spent by the pharma industry on advertising, compared to the PLN 11.8bn (€3bn) spent by all other sectors combined in the same period*. On the other hand, the Main Pharmaceutical Inspectorate (GIF) issues more and more bans on drug advertising every year: in 2003, there were 29 such bans; in 2004 almost twice as many – 49, and until the end of November 2005 – there have already been 45. Is it possible to prepare a successful ad campaign that does not violate the law? Advertising vs. information Commercial messages on medicinal products may be issued in two ways: a straight advert, or as an information piece about the product. The latter is, as a rule, much safer than direct advertising as the harmaceutical Law does not impose limitations as to information on medicinal products, but it does on their advertisement. However, it strictly specifies the classification of advertisements and information. What is considered information and not advertising then? Examples of acceptable information are: product information on the packaging without [...] Publication date: December 2005 Click here to download the full article

Source: Pharma Poland News