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Retransmisja ON LINE z BioForum 2011


Retransmisja ON LINE z BioForum 2011


Już 11 Maja 2011 będziecie Państwo mieć niepowtarzalną okazję obejrzenia transmisji na żywo z Środkowoeuropejskiego Forum Biotechnologii i Innowacyjnego BioBiznesu


Wenesday, 11th of May

Open Ceremony & Keynote Speech


9:00 – 9:15 Welcome speech



CEO, Bio-Tech Consulting Ltd., POLAND

Tadeusz is a manager of Bio-Tech Consulting since 1996. He combines this activity withe heading Lodz University's research team of Medical Biotechnology for six years now. He graduated at Lodz University in Biology, did his PhD at Medical University of Lodz and carrier his post-doctoral training at University of Notre Dame. He is an author and a co-author of more than 40 scientific experimental papers, 12 research overviews, as well as reviews on biotechnology.

Tadeusz was one of the first graduates of the postgraduate studies Master of Science in Science and Technology Commercialization carried at Lodz University, Management Faculty, on the license of the University of Texas in Austin. Tadeusz complemented his education with postgraduate studies at Warsaw School of Economics in Strategic Planning of Enterprises Developmental Activity.


9:15 - 9:45  Keynote speech:

Innovation Through Collaboration: How to Succeed in a High-Risk Industry



Senior Director in the Business Development Group, Genentech Inc., USA

Dr. Zioncheck currently serves as Senior Director in the Business Development Group at Genentech. His team is responsible for in-licensing new therapeutics,technology, and intellectual property in the areas of Ophthalmology, Neuroscience, Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease. Dr. Zioncheck joined Genentech as a Postdoctoral Fellow in 1988.

He was subsequently hired as a Genentech Scientist in 1991. He was then promoted into various roles with increasing responsibility including Sr. Scientist, Development Sciences Director, and Project Team Leader. During the course of his career he has madenumerous drug development contributions, co-authored over 30 scientific papers, has been awarded six patents, and received 18 recognition awards for variouscorporate accomplishments. In 2001, he waselected Chair for the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Biotech Section and he served as co-chair for the first National AAPS Biotechnology meeting.

In 2002, he was appointed as Adjunct Professor in the Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, University of the Pacific, in Stockton CA. Dr. Thomas F. Zioncheck earned his BS degree in Chemistry from the State University of NewYork at Oneonta and his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Purdue University.


Global Innovation & Central European Market

General overview of Central European Biotechnology industry including the major sectors, areas of activity, R&D investment outlook, business climate and cooperation by joining forces.


Special Challenges of the Biotech Industry in CEE and Hungary


Founder and President of the Hungarian Biotechnology Association, HUNGARY

Mr. Duda is also Co-Founder, President and CEO of Solvo Biotechnology, Hugary's largest independent biopharmaceutical company specialized in ABC-transporters and Drug Resistance.

As a genuine entrepreneur, he has founded or co-founded 15 companies, including a corporate financeconsulting company focused on high-tech Hungarian start-ups, and Hungary’s largest online second-hand book store. 

He was Vice President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Hungary in 1998 and 1999, and President of the JuniorAchievement Foundation Hungary from 1997 until 2006. He has experience in teaching English language, applied economics and management studies as well, and almost 3,000 students have attended his biotech business course at the University of Szeged since 2003. Mr. Duda is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Bay Zoltán Foundation for Applied Research, and the Board of the Hungarian Association for Innovation. He is also a regular contributor to newspapers, periodicals and other publications, and frequently holdspresentations at conferences and various public events.


Estonian Biotechnology - The European Tiger Club

Ms. Maarika Merirand

Projects' Co-ordinator, Competence Centre for Cancer Research, ESTONIA

Since 2006 Maarika Merirand has been the Projects' Coordinator of the Competence Centre for Cancer Research ( In the past she has also worked as the General Manager of the Estonian Biotechnology Association. She holds a Master's degree in Economics from the University of Tartu, Estonia.


Czech Biotechnology Landscape - An Overview of Growing Industry


Manager, CzechBio Association, CZECH REPUBLIC

1999 - 2005 Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, Study on Political Science and European Studies2006 - continuing language studies at Pole Universitaire Europeen Lille Nord-Pas de Calais, France
2007 - 2008 Project Manager at Marcus Evans, specialized event management company
2009 - 2010 Project Manager at CzechInvest responsible for developing the project of National Biotechnology and Biomedicine Centre in Vestec (Prague)
2011 Managing CzechBio an assocition of Czech biotechnology companies




The Trends in Polish Biotech


CEO, Bio-Tech Consulting Ltd., POLAND


Biotechnologies - Find a Way, or Make One

Translate a good idea into a successful product. The different aspects of this theme including intellectual property and techical aspect will be dealt with.


Development Trends of Biotech in new EU member countries - Latvia case-study



Chairman of the board, Latvian Biotechnology Association, LATVIA

Juris Vanags graduated from the University of Latvia as an engineer of physics (1983) and got a PhD in Bioengineering in 1993. Presently he is a Managing Director of JSC, Biotehniskais centrs (manufacturer of bioreactors); Chairman of board of Latvian Biotechnology Association and associate professor of Riga Technical University (bioprocess engineering).



Does Darwin's Theory of Evolution Apply to Chromatography?

Hector OSUNA, PhD

Scientific Expert, Novasep, FRANCE





Tech Transfer - From Academia to Industry

 How to improve the transfer of ideas from academic centers to biotechnology business. Financing concepts, active assistance and consulting for biotech start-up companies. Business evaluation of R&D projects.


Biotechnology Transfer - What people should know about commercialization of science.


Senior Associate, WilmerHale, GERMANY

Dr. Richter advises national and international clients on all matters of corporate law. She has represented clients in various corporate transactions, including the acquisition and sale of assets and shareholdings as well as the restructuring of companies.

Dr. Richter has worked on various transactions for clients in the Biotech and Life Science industry, both multi-national pharmaceutical companies as well as smaller start-up biotechnology companies. Besides the traditional advice in the areas of M&A transactions, intellectual property, corporate law and contractual issues she has experience to provide specific support in specific industry-related questions. Dr. Richter has advised clients on strategic alliances, licensing strategies and intellectual property transactions concerning projects in different stages and has negotiated in-licensing and out-licensing arrangements. She has further experience with strategic partnerships and joint venture structures.
High Performance Affinity Chromatography: Simulation and Optimalization for the Industry
Hector OSUNA, PhD

Scientific Expert, Novasep, FRANCE




US Market Access - Models for Successful Innovation Commercialization


Principal/Lead Technology Consultant, BioVisability, USA

Kate Gunning is focused on strategic market development and technology commercialization for the Life Sciences and Clean technology sectors.  With an expansive network both in the US and internationally, she is frequently tapped for advice and guidance on the development of the Biotech and Cleantech industries in Ireland and overseas. A Dublin native and DIT alum, Kate’s career began in Nuclear Medicine and Clinical Pathology and she played a lead role with the Human Genome Project at the US Dept. of Energy Joint Genome Institute. She is a founder and co-chair of Biolink-USA and advisory board member for the San Francisco Irish Film Festival and was recently named one of the top 50 Irish executives in Silicon Valley.



Fundraising - boom or bust for Biotech?

 Getting to know investment entities. Preparing the venture for approaching investor. Establishing credibility & deal making. Hints and tips for a successful fundraising.


Seeking Finance by BioMed start-up companies - Plausible Financing

Haim V. LEVY, PhD


Business Developer and Attorney, ISRAEL


Over the past 25 years, Dr. Levy has been engaged in identifying and nurturing innovation.

In 2005, Dr. Levyco-founded NanoDerma Ltd. and since serves as its Chairman. The company specializes in the development and application of advanced topical, intra-and transdermal, as well as intranasal formulation solutions based on aproprietary nano-emulsion. In 1998 heco-founded, together with 3 young engineers, Be-4 Ltd. involved in the field of3-D Audio solutions for the wireless and mobile entertainment space. He served as its CEO since its inception until 2002 and as its Chairman of the Board of Directors during 1997-2005. In 1991 Dr. Levyfounded Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Systems - NESS Ltd. - a company that developed a unique medical device that restores function to the upperextremities of quadriplegics and hemiplegics. He served as CEO since itsinception until 1998. [NESS was acquired by an American companyfor $75,000,000]

Dr. Levy has also carried out a number of executive positions, among them; Deputy Managing Director of Yeda Ltd., the technology Transfer Company of the Weizmann Institute of Science (1987 – 1990) and consultant to the Vice President for R&D of the University of Haifa, Israel (1990-2001). In the past eightyears, in his capacity as a practicing attorney, Dr. Levy has been engaged invarious international business transactions, including Hi-Tech investmentsdeals (e.g. private equity, Venture capital Funds), licensing and technology transfer as well as marketing transactions.




Financial Advisory Services, Deloitte, UK

Oliver is a graduate of the University of Manchester in Economics and Government. He speaks fluent Polish. Oliver has 9 years experience of transaction support and due diligence in Poland and in total has been involved in more than 300 transactions in a wide variety of industries. 

Oliver has has a wide range of corporate finance, duediligence and restructuring and integration experience within both the UK andPoland.

Oliver specialises in cross-border transaction support engagements comprising large multi-disciplinary, multinational teams.


 Keynote Closing Speech

Closing Speech for the first day of BioForum


Pharma's Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing Environment


Director, Worldwide Licensing, Merck/MSD, SWEDEN

Dr. Lund is MSD's Licensing Ambassador to Scandinavia, Baltic States, East-Central Europe, Balkans, Greece and Turkey. As such he is working with local life science industries and academia to forge partnerships with MSD. During his career within MSD Licensing, Dr. Lund has been the scientific lead for executed partnerships ranging from basic research collaborations to licensing of Phase III compounds.

During his scientific career Dr. Lund has authored >35 original research publications in peer reviewed scientific journals.


Tursday, 12th of May


Keynote Speech

Opening Keynote Speech


From Neuroimaging to Brain Modeling: Brain Atlases and Their Applications

Wiesław L. NOWIŃSKI, DSc, PhD

Principal Scientist and Director of the Biomedical Imaging Lab
Agency for Science, Technology and Research, SINGAPORE

Prof. Wieslaw L. Nowiński research interests include brain atlases, stroke, vascular diseases, deep brain stimulation, neuroinformatics, medical image processing, virtual reality, computer-assisted diagnosis and treatment, and future directions in computer-aided radiology and surgery. His work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal and on The Discovery Channel.

Prof. Nowiński has published 480 papers, filed 53 patent applications (26 are already granted), started 3 high-tech companies from his lab, and developed with his team 24 brain atlas products used world-wide in neurosurgery, neuroradiology, neurology, brain mapping, and neuroeducation. These atlases (Cerefy Atlas of Cerebral Vasculature) are incorporated in more than 1,000 neurosurgical workstations (distributed by Medtronic, BrainLab, Elekta and other companies) as well as distributed on 7 CD-ROMs by Thieme Publishers to more than 5,500 clinicians and medical schools.

He has been conferred with 33 awards and honours including Magna cum Laude (radiological Oscar) from the Radiological Society of North America in 2009, 2004 and European Congress of Radiology in 2000; Summa cum Laude in 2008 and 1997, and Magna cum Laude in 2009 and 2005 from the American Society of Neuroradiology; and Knight’s Cross of Merit from President of Republic of Poland in 2005.
Dr. Nowinski is affiliate professor of radiology at University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, USA; visiting professor and doctoral advisor at Harbin Institute of Technology, China; and adjunct professor at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.


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