łączymy wszystkie strony biobiznesu
International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw

4 Ks. Trojdena Street

02-109 Warsaw

Główny telefon: (+48 22) 5970 700

Główny fax: (+48 22) 5970 715

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Wyślij zapytanie ofertowe
International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw

Our Mission is to search deeply and extensively for answers and solutions to the key questions of modern biomedicine. Our primary focus is in the field of basic research, but we are also active in the area of applied biotechnology. We put special emphasis on research that may bring us closer to providing cures for serious diseases that have become an important challenge for the world’s populations and health care systems, such as cancer and neurological disorders.

Scientific excellence: Our goal is to attain the highest quality in scientific research in the fascinating and complex field of life sciences, with special emphasis on molecular and cellular biology. We design, develop and deliver advanced and unique research tools: equipment, experimental models and knowledge of advanced research methods and technologies. We nurture the talents of young researchers by supporting their creative attitudes in order to build a foundation for innovative thinking. We provide the know-how, share experiences and work with people to foster in them the essential qualities of a true academic researcher, such as integrity, independence in the choice of research subjects and goals, and accountability for choices made. Research into directions in line with the most pertinent needs of society is particularly welcome.

Research practices: We follow timeless values and good research practices such as freedom of scientific thinking, honesty, integrity, openness and innovation, as well as mutual respect and tolerance. This allows thoughts and beliefs to be expressed while respecting the general rules of ethics and professional conduct.

Cooperation: We create a community and partnerships with leading research centers within and outside the country. Together we carry out ambitious research projects and scientific initiatives. We commercialize results that have such potential and work with industry to perpetuate this trend. We provide biotechnological solutions which can be used on a large scale, both with regard to the global economy and to global research services deals.

Organization: We are proud to pursue very modern organizational patterns, which are tried and tested in the best research centers across the world. This includes areas such as administration, management of finances and resources, sharing space and equipment, grant writing and grant management procedures, etc.

Dissemination of knowledge: We publish the findings of our research in leading specialized journals and promote unrestricted access to them through support for “open access” publications. We organize workshops, training courses, conferences and other scientific events for researchers of various specialties and nationalities.
We consider making science accessible to a wider public as essential to stimulating positive public attitudes towards science. We support educational activities aiming to promote modern biology through the organization of public workshops, seminars, presentations and lectures for students and teachers.





The International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw (IIMCB), established in 1999, is one of Poland’s most modern research institutes in the life sciences, holding the highest scientific category (A+) based on a parametric evaluation of research entities in Poland by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The Institute was created with the support of the Polish Government, Polish Academy of Sciences and UNESCO, based on a separate parliamentary bill.

The main goals of IIMCB are to perform high-quality research in molecular biomedicine and to create the best possible conditions for ambitious, motivated group leaders and their staff to implement modern biotechnology and teach and popularize molecular biology and medicine. Research field at IIMCB cover a wide range of topics, including structural biology, molecular and cell biology, neurobiology, cancer biology, bioinformatics, computer modeling, iron homeostasis, developmental genomics (zebrafish model), ageing, and neurodegeneration. Nine high-profile research groups and one partner laboratory comprise the present structure of IIMCB.

The international character of IIMCB is strongly reflected by all aspects of its functioning. All positions of laboratory leaders are filled through open international competitions, and successful candidates are selected by the International Advisory Board (IAB), a body that is unique to Polish research institutions that consists of renowned scientists and science managers. The IAB ensures that the Group Leaders’ selection process maintains full objectivity. International Advisory Board members also consult on the steering and functioning of the Institute.

IIMCB has close scientific collaborations with world-renowned foreign research centers, such as the Max Planck Society (MPS). Under this strategic partnership, four laboratories were established with double MPS and IIMCB affiliations: two laboratories at IIMCB and two laboratories at MPS Institutes. IIMCB also boasts cooperation with national research centers, including the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology at the University of Gdańsk/Medical University of Gdańsk, Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS in Warsaw, and Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.

IIMCB actively collaborates with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, to develop new therapies in oncology and neurology and biotechnological products. Measures that are implemented by IIMCB to commercialize its inventions and serve as a resource for industrial partners are continually adapted to scientific output and the needs and expectations of commercial partners. The most advanced implementations of the research results to business practice: Auresine, Futurenzymes, and PRO Biostructures.

IIMCB is also engaged in science popularization initiatives to increase awareness and interest in the life sciences among the general public. The Center for Innovative Bioscience Education (BioCEN), an initiative that is supported by IIMCB, regularly hosts workshops with hands-on experiments and is engaged in science popularization events.

Each year the Institute receives state subventions (from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Polish Academy of Sciences). However, 70% of IIMCB’s annual budget comes from external grants received on competitive basis from international sources (EU FP5-H2020, EMBO, Wellcome Trust, HHMI, NIH, etc.), EU Structural Funds and national agencies (FNP, NCN, NCBR, MNiSW).
Since 2013, the Institute has been a holder of the HR Excellence in Research award. This prestigious recognition is acknowledged by the European Commission which identifies IIMCB as a provider and supporter of stimulating and favorable working environment for researchers.





Aleksandra Janicka
Telefon + 48 601 159 660
Agnieszka Faliszewska

<Czerwiec 2025>
