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Current Economic and Social Topics International Colloquium
Data rozpoczęcia:
Data zakończenia:
Uniwersytet Łódzki
Łódź, Warszawa

Conference Topics Short Description

Pension systems. Changes in the demographic situation caused by declining fertility rates and the rise in life expectancy has led to a significant increase in the old-age-dependency ratios in the majority of the OECD countries. This requires many European countries to reform their retirement systems and introduce significant changes to make their pension systems more financially viable. In Europe, where the pension system reforms were on the government’s agenda for at least a decade, the recent economic crisis of 2007-2009 has increased the need for more decisive actions. Discussions concerning pension reforms, their feasibility, financial viability and sustainability, will be key important topics.

Financial markets. The recent financial crisis is considered to be the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The crisis was exacerbated by the globalization of the world economy. The turmoil in the financial markets was worsened by the introduction of new financial products and market processes. The global financial markets seem to play different roles and functions in the economy and operate under new regulations. The introduction of new trading platforms, on-line access to information, the integration and globalization of markets may require a revision of finance theories.

Diversity in labor market. The problems of women’s and elder employees participation in the labor market has become one of the main issues in current discussions because of the financial and economic crisis and the ageing of the societies in developed countries. Another important problem is an increase of the cultural, race and ethnic diversity in the labor markets. Equality is a policy objective that is basically of universal acceptance and it has become a subject of interest for many national governments, international organizations, research institutes and political pressure groups

Innovation and entrepreneurship are essential to break the stagnation caused by the ongoing economic crisis. They are the keys to social and economic development and the driving force for sustainable growth. Therefore, they are the subject of high priority for European Community policies, focused on funding R&D, the application of research and their results into business practices, and the support for knowledge-based economy and modern management.

This conference is opened to international participants with distinguished members of the Program Committee from worldwide academic communities. All submitted papers will be carefully reviewed by at least two Members of the Program Committee. Accepted papers will be published after the conference in selected journals. For further information please refer to the informations below.

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